Things have been said, things need to be done.
Decisions must always be final, otherwise decisions will be waster.
Always make the best decisions so things can be done.
Time is not always on our side,
Do the best we can with time.
Best viewed with love.
Pls leave a tag!!~
listen to other's problems, basketball (playing and watching), daydreaming.
loyal to the ones loved by me, take as much time as possible in toilets.
Toilet times are the most personal and quiet time of your lives,
good for thinking alot of things,
especially in the morning when you just wake up.
and for dozing off on the toilet bowl haha~!
World is full of surprises for the unexpected,
so are you, so full of surprises for the unexpectant world out there.
alwaes thinking that whatever comes in dreams happen in reality
enjoys self-deceit~ (^_^)
Saturday, January 26, 2008
那件事还没过去之前,又接到了她从新西兰打来的长途电话...本来是应该很开心才对... 和她说了她在那里的状况后,她又哭了...还是一直在骂我作出了让她如此伤心的事情...我尝试坚强的忍住泪水,和她解释我不和她说的原因...但是她还是那么的任性,不去理会我说的一切...我觉得自己很烂,如此小事还做不好...到最后,还是没有解释清楚...我还是挂着千古罪人的罪名......我只想好好的和她做个朋友...
我听了听...她吩咐他们做的东西,我全部都做过了...什么quotation啦...你跟本就是在叫他们做double job...虽然看不过去...但是别理会她那么多...
遗忘记录史 4:47 PM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
公司晚宴。。。 其实有两个。。。我的新公司刚好也把晚宴设在久公司晚宴的同一天。。。我选择了去我就公司的晚宴,因为我的朋友全部都在那里。。。还有。。。 要看我的明妹子穿裙子~!!! 嘻嘻~!!!场面搞得非常的大,排场也搞得很棒。。。大家都以最漂亮的装扮出席了这个宴会!好多好多美女!
大家喝酒都喝到很痛快。。。也许是因为10.45pm 过后就没有freeflow了所以大家都很拼命的喝。。。很多人都醉了。。。太多人了。。。 我知道自己撑不住,几次自己到外面打电话给她向她求救。。。嘻嘻!至少我知道自己的能力到哪里也不太逞强吧。。。
遗忘记录史 10:35 AM
Friday, January 18, 2008
遗忘记录史 10:25 AM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
遗忘记录史 4:36 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
haiz... i'm back... the chinese saying... Nv ren pa jia cuo lang, nan ren pa ru cuo hang... now i know the meaning... haiz... now inside wrong post inside company... there is no motivation at all to work... everyday come to work minutes late... never has that ever happened to me at old company before... but never do i know why i just do not take that little effort to want to come to work early... its just earlier den the previous company by 30 mintues and i am always 5 - 10 mintes late for work.... there really is no motivation....
i gave up my work over here... tendered... after just 2 weeks of work only... perhaps its cos the people here gives me too much pressure... but thats the only way i can learn but.. haiz... its just not as simple as that... just feel that its abit of the selfish side here... everyone's minding their own business... not helping until you show them that you need help or you ask for help... i was just too used to everyone helping each other... my Bros... those days we just helped each other serve customers here and there... those days were the best...
haiz... reason for tendering... not getting the job scope i was told i would get... tot i was gonna start to learn to do operation stuffs and products... but happens that it never happened... was pushed to handle corporate... a job where you send 1000 quotations and only tt few 2 will reply you and tell you they wanna book... worst of all the other 998 you have spent half of your day working out the quotations which you need to source from hell knows where... (yeah, i am exaggerating, just ignore me if you find me a nuisance) all those efforst almost always goes to waste... damn... hate it so much when those things happen...
if thats not bad enough? do a call centre service on top of that... all customers wanna book budget airline, they have to come down and make payment right? yeapz they go to the branch... and there goes the sales... haha~ best right?
well... her job hasn't been any better... manager is getting on her nerves with all the sarcasm he could give her... how i wish she could just leave that company now and then and move on with her life at another company.... however... due to her work perm probs not sure whether she will get taxed... but overall... financially taxing would be less taxing on her than mental taxing... seeing her always staring into space after work is what hurts me the most... she is just holding onto the hope that one day she can spark her motivation and get a boost at her work so that she can show off to her superiors... but haiz... if she has already worked hard and not gained anything... (hope u know what i mean) there are other reasons of cos, which i have not considered cos i don't see the whole picture...
both of us are facing work problems... i can't let myself focus on our relationship... its like we are being tied down by our work... but fortunately both of us do enjoy the times we are together... i really value those times seeing her laugh and smile... i hope to see it everyday.
san... she emailed me telling me those things. i have not replied till now... not sure why... just feel that i would make things worst if i replied... letting her hate me forever is not what i want... its just not me to do this kind of things... haiz... i'm still tied down with guilt whenever i'm reminded of her by things.... arh... when am i able to get off of this road....
can't type chinese cause boss around... hehe... anyway.. wish me luck in finding new job... i'm out of money... bank only left with 30++ haiz... phone bill come le... dun dare open... wish FS will quickly release my cheque... i need money now... haiz...
san, if u read this... the money pls keep first... i know you will return me when u come back... dun make your life there harder without extra money to bring you through... who am i kidding... she never reads my blog... haiz... nvm...
遗忘记录史 3:28 PM
Friday, January 11, 2008
finally manage to settle down abit in my new work environment... but still haiz... some things are just not as perfect as previous company. afterall, this company is still quite young... still maturing i guess... how much youth it will take for me and my colleagues to make this company mature is still yet to be known... so much to do... so little things i can do...
the old company is good much more interaction... now i know how the operations feel daily... minding own business is enough to keep themselves busy for the whole day long... its a wonder why they all get tired so easily...
this environment is quite nice just that everyone does their own things, interaction only after work... so bored... but every high post staff here is trying to go in their own way... somehow feel that i don't fit in... haiz... wonder why... am i too used to being pampered with life at old company... doubts doubts and more doubts... well just do what i can here ba... afterall the pay is not much to carry me through...
making plans to go on overseas trip at least for this year ba...
- Redang (priority)
- Hokkaido + Universal Studio (perhaps by end of year)
- Taiwan (the place she likes so very much and me, still yet to go)
- Hongkong (perhaps... did not enjoy last time with all the typhoon going around)
- KL (another visit to the faithful place i've been so many times)
- Genting? (for some cooling ba)
in future travel plans?
- Europe (Switzerland?Spain?Italy?France?)
- New Zealand
- Australia
My wish to get a driving license by this year maybe on hold ba... but i really wish i can learn how to drive at least... haiz... no car for me to drive either so no push for myself to go and learn...
she emailed me on the 6th... telling me how much i have hurt her by doing what i did, not telling her that i m with someone else... letting her know from someone else telling her... i did not want all these to happen... sometimes i wish she will put herself more in my shoes and think about why i am doing all these... its not to really hurt her, but to let her have a better mood to start the hardship she is going to face in the future... i am not sure how it all turned out to be like that... her email did hurt me too... tears rolled in my eyes... the heat going up my face... the heart breaking feeling... she wrote "why you say you to me is responsible? i don't need you responsible to me! i can responsible to myself!" this sentence really broke my heart... this was not what i meant... it was just a facade to cover up for putting down a relationship that i have kept and maintained with all my heart for over a year... but still she did not see through its cover... thats what put the nail in the coffin... i just dunnoe what to do... did not reply her email... becos if shes still feeling so rash, whatever reason i tell her is for will only become an excuse to her... i know i hurt you, san, but have you ever thought of how i felt having to do this kind of things to you? i guess not... cos from what you said... haiz... stop blaming u le ba... it ain't your fault either... but really wish that our 1 year is not wasted... this 1 year relationship and yet you still do not understand me...
if she had asked me not to break up, i would have considered... but she just never came back and told me she wanted to be together again... the times we have broken up, it was always me to go and make her stay... how i wish for once she had done so... that would have really brought our rls to the next level... but that day never did came and i somehow felt it was time to let go... so... haiz... just wish that you will do well at NZ... i just hope that you can forget me, the person who have hurt you so much and lead a carefree life you have always sought for~
you know that i've found someone who really is good for me and i really love, i hope you do too.
Mei, i will be strong... this is what i have to face since everything turned out this way... i will find the path to stay on track and keep moving forward, do not worry about me~
遗忘记录史 1:51 PM
Thursday, January 03, 2008
遗忘记录史 10:41 AM
[ The Credits / 甜甜的 ]
Skin By:Scorpiona
Brushes From:Spiritsighs-Stock
Invisible Snow
Used On:Blogger